Spam Functions | GTA 5

#NoEnv                          ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%     ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
#IfWinActive ahk_class grcWindow  ; Disables hotkeys when alt-tabbed or GTA is closed.
#SingleInstance, force
;                                                               ———Assign Hotkey and Delay Values———

BST := "Numpad0"
ArmorKey := "F5"
RPGReload := "3"

         ; HAVE TO BE IN A CEO or MC
IntMenuDelay := 45             ; Sets value(ms) for delay for opening interaction menu.
KeySendDelay := 12              ; Sets value(ms) for delay between send key commands.
KeyPressDuration := 4           ; Sets value(ms) for duration each key press is held down.
;                                                                       —-Hotkey Code --

Hotkey, %BST%, BST     ;  
Hotkey, %ArmorKey%, Armor       ;  
Hotkey, %RPGReload%, RapidRPG     ;    

setkeydelay, KeySendDelay, KeyPressDuration             ; Sets delay(ms) between keystrokes issued. Arguments are delay between keystrokes and press duration, respectively.

RapidRPG:                     ; Start RPG Macro
Send {5}{4}    ; Keystrokes to CEO
return                          ;  
;															--CEO-GHOST--

BST:                                 ; BST Macro
Send {m}                        ; 
sleep, IntMenuDelay             ;  
Send {Enter}{Up}{Up}{Up}{Enter}{Down}{Enter}    ; Keystrokes to drop that shit
return                          ;  
;                                                                            —-Armor—-
;                                                               Drop some armor
Armor:                          ; Armor Macro
Send {m}                        ; 
sleep, IntMenuDelay             ;  
Send {Enter}{Up}{Up}{Up}{Enter}{Up}{Up}{Up}{Up}{Enter}           ; 
return                          ;  

Для изменения горячей клавиши поменяйте клавишу в скрипте :

BST := "Numpad0"
ArmorKey := "F5"
RPGReload := "3"

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